Parlanchinglish comes to live!

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Last Tuesday we witnessed the birth of the 43rd club in Agora Speakers, being the 3rd in Spain, 2nd in Madrid, and… wait for it… the 1st in English ever! Aren’t we lucky for having that?

Do you want to know what happened?

This is magic!

Santiago first opened the session and gave the word to a great meeting leader, Emma, our founder; explaining perfectly what we are all here for, what are our own objectives in the club and welcoming the guests to share theirs.

Sencondly, right after going through the introduction about Agora, and Parlanchinglish, we got straight to the meeting dynamics. The supporting roles executed by Santiago, Rosi and Emma herself, told us how our time-management/grammar/use-of-English skills will improve from… TODAY ONWARDS!

We enjoyed a couple of delightful prepared speeches under the projects “Things that I like” from Venancio (an amazing fire walker) and Mario (are you happy? are you sure you are happy? Can you feel it?).

HOT questions?

Hot questions? Where are we? Ah! This is the third part, consisting of “just” improvised speeches related to a question from Emma? I can do that! So thought our guests… and believe me, they could! Impressive. Being brave and AWESOME! SIX of our guests (Pedro, Carlos, Víctor, Richard, Alexander and Benjamin) performed improvised speeches out of the blue.

What’s in there for me?

After having warmed the environment, we went to the last part of the meeting, evaluations and reports.
The specific, sincere, motivating and helpful evaluation (on the prepared speeches) from Tempo went on and following we had Pablo’s evaluation of the hot questions session. Reports from timer, FillerWords&AhCounter and Grammarian, and a final evaluation of the whole FIRST AMAZING Parlanchingligh meeting, performed by Pablo.

Finished already?

Santiago closed the meeting with an offering… to continue having beers upstairs. Therefore, this was just the beginning of a great journey.

Wanna see more? Wanna be part of it? Come next Tuesday. We will be here again, with the same (or even more) energy and enthusiasm. Parlanchinglish is ALIVE!

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